Monday, January 14, 2013

Some Statistics

For anyone who's interested (because strangely, as much as I hate numbers, I do sort of enjoy statistical... thingies...*), here are some brief stats on my querying:

Years Querying: 4
Books Queried: 4
Total Queries Sent**: 196
Partial Requests: 17
Full Requests: 30
Revise & Resubmit Requests: 5
No Replies: 61
Form Rejections: 102
Offers of Representation: 1

And for this book in particular:

Date I started writing first draft: 5/30/2010
Date of first query: 8/16/2010***
Date of last query: 8/24/2012
Date of offer of representation: 1/4/2013

Number of drafts: 32
Days spent writing first draft: 42
Days spent editing/revising/proofing: 498

Amount of times I wanted to leap off a cliff: 1,000
Amount of times I seriously considered stopping writing: 0

Yes, some people get lucky and land agents with their first book. Some people's first books pop out brilliant! Some people learn how to edit and revise far sooner than I did. Alternately, some people stick with just one project to the end, no matter how long it takes, rather than bopping around a few different book ideas first. There's no right or wrong way to do this. But I do think that one thing about the agent-hunting (and editor/book deal-hunting!) process is true across the board:

You need to be stubborn as hell.****

Lucky for me, I was born obstinate. ;)

* I mean, not enough to actually learn the terms for all of this stuff, but stats are fun! Or something!

** across all 4 projects

*** far too soon, you will note!

**** stubborn about not giving up, that is. Not stubborn about revisions and stuff. That's a whole 'nother ball game!


  1. Congrats! I hear you about being stubborn as hell. I think it's a requirement for success in this business. :)

    May you have a swift sale!!

  2. Congratulations on your new agent! And you're right; this business is for people who persist, not the ones who give up way too soon. Good luck!

  3. Thank you for sharing this. I may not think numerically (being such a ludicrous word gal) but this really helps me to accept that patience needs to be a virtue I continue to cultivate in 2013.

  4. Love this! Your perseverance has paid off. :)

  5. Congrats Ellen on your big news! :D

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