Monday, July 4, 2011

Dude, it's 4th of July

I am not here. You probably aren't either. I am sipping drinks poolside up in Rhode Island with my girl Technogoddess. YEAH.
But in honor of the 4th of July, I would like to briefly rant about something (YAY rants, right?!).
I am USian.
Yes, I know we have shitty politicians. We are not the most socially-conscientious country in the history of the world. As a whole, our country has mad issues.
But you know what I am getting sick of? People who constantly bitch about USians as a whole, and how we are so prejudiced.
UM, HI, referring to ALL US-IANS EVERYWHERE with your (insert derogatory complaint about our intelligence/global-citizenship here) IS PRETTY MUCH THE DEFINITION OF PREJUDICED.
I don't judge you because you are French, or Spanish, or British, or Italian, or Argentinian, or (insert any other nationality here)*. So don't judge me because I am from the United States.
Because no, I am not geographically challenged. I am not an idiot. I do pay attention to GLOBAL news. I do recycle. I do care about the environment. I do not pee in public when I'm drunk. I do respect other cultures, and I do try my best to speak the language of the foreign country I'm in.**
And you know what? I have met plenty of Europeans who thought that Florida was next to Maine, or who made fun of me for not knowing the intricacies of their country's politics, when all they knew about U.S. politics was that "Bush sucks." Or who pee in public when drunk.
We all have our flaws. Our nationality does not inherently give us these flaws. We give them to ourselves.
Happy Independence Day to the other USians out there!
And to everyone else, if you write about country-specific celebratory days on your blog, please link me! I love learning about new excuses to party holidays!

* Actually, I will probably think it's awesome and follow you around asking questions about growing up wherever you're from, until you are so sick of me you want to kick me in the head. So... Okay, granted, I can see why that's annoying. ahem.

** I don't always speak it well, but I try... That counts, right?

1 comment:

  1. *wants to be sipping drinks poolside*

    If I were here, I'd say yay to your post, that junk like that drives me bananas. And that we should all extend peoplefolk a little more courtesy. :)
