Wednesday, January 23, 2013

2013 Resolutions

A bit late on this, I know. I've had a distracting beginning of the month! But better late than never, right? So here goes. My goals/resolutions for the year 2013:

1. Sell a book.

Okay, out of my control, since it depends on the market, the editors reading my novel, how well the publishers think it might sell, whether marketing thinks it hits that sweet spot of something-new-but-not-new-enough-we-can't-figure-out-who-would-buy-it, etc. But hey, it worked when I resolved to find an agent, so worth a shot, right?!

2. Finish next novel.

I resolved to do this one last year too. And I sort of did. I finished a couple drafts of a few different books, after all! But I've finally narrowed down which project I really want to focus on, and I have a list of edits to finish. Now I just need to buckle down and git'er'done.*

3. Spend less.

Because everyone needs at least one boring, generic resolution per year, don't you think? And also because some of us make publishing salaries and need to stop acting like we are in an episode of Sex and the City, because, just like the cake, THE $300 SHOES YOU CAN BUY WITHOUT DYING OF HORRIFIC DEBT ARE A LIE.**

4. Make a plan for the future.

I've been meaning to really sit down and do this for a while now. There are certain things I want to do, and while I'm not going to call myself "old" persay,*** I am aging every year, as we all do. I'm at the point in my life where I'm comfortable in my situation career-wise, apartment-situation-wise, etc. So now I have space to sit down and really plan out where I want things to go over the next few years - for example, where do I want to be living in two or three years? What do I want to be doing?

We don't have complete control of our lives. We might think we know what's happening one week, and be completely blindsided by a turn of events the next. But it helps to have a plan, even if that plan might need to be adjusted in the future. That's my personal goal this year: lay out that plan, and start working for it.

* why no, I haven't had any tea today, why do you ask? am I acting strange at all? twitch...
** on the bright side, at least I will look fabulous when the mafioso I'm pretty sure I'm renting from comes to kick me out of my apartment!
*** cause I'll get yelled at for it later... ;D

1 comment:

  1. All the best with your goals! I think I'll make it one of my resolutions to see Stray sold also. ;)
